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הרב אלי הורביץ
Apr 7, 202312 min read
We get to live in a time of division and polarization in the nation and it is good for us and sweet
Rabbi Eli Horovitz There are nations that celebrate their independence with feasts and fireworks, we also celebrate our independence with...

מיתי להמן
May 20, 20211 min read
Dina, in the motherly way that characterizes her, wiped the tears from my face. Dina had an intimate
Some of the memories from working together at the Quarter College. At one of the staff meetings at the Midreshet HaRo'at, Dina spoke...

הרבנית אסתר ליאור
Apr 8, 20212 min read
Dina was all singing, she was all a tune, one big tune that would never end.
In Dina the love of man stood out most unusually, I have never seen such a person, I envy her, in this ability to love, love, love...

הרב אלי הורביץ
Apr 8, 20212 min read
One says to the other 'Tell me, what is he taking? It's something, hear maybe you want a syringe or
Imagine a man from the Shavei Hebron yeshiva or Har Hamor passing by in the Hatikva neighborhood and seeing poor people from broken and...

יעקב סופר
Apr 8, 20215 min read
Maayan, I'm in heaven ... and thinking of you. Loves Dina
A love song lit by a violin at both ends, so were Rabbi Eli and Dina the 14th connected as one body in a strong and loving bond. Together...

אושרית אייזקס
Apr 8, 20214 min read
My teacher Dina toils on the road and she is tall and noble and her gaze sees what is before and wha
Teacher Dina is my teacher and I am all her student. Our acquaintance is through the relationship of a student-teacher and it means that...

הרב דוד בן מאיר
Apr 8, 20212 min read
We laughed at the fact that he is really an actor, although not in front of an audience in the theat
When we studied together in Chevruta, Eli occasionally told me his resume. We had things in common, we both left the family in America at...
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יאיר קליין
Apr 8, 20212 min read
That spark in his eyes, showed us the students that what he does is what he loves and that is who he
Rabbi Eli is one of the most influential figures in my life. He took me for a few months under his care as a friend. It was amazing, I...

הרבנית דינה ראפ
Apr 8, 20212 min read
"I do not believe! I can not believe it! "Then Zvi woke up and asked anxiously" Mom, what happened?
Dina was an educator at the district seminary and there were many conversations and meetings that I had the privilege of having with...
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