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I stood close to her and received blows from her. She kicked me.

דינה הורביץ

There are traits that exist in parents, they are there even in more complex and difficult situations in dealing with the adolescent child.

I was privileged to be in the birth that my daughter gave birth to, a birth that was not easy in all respects. The woman who gives birth goes through something, goes through a process. And when I stood next to her and was with her, the qualities of unconditional love and acceptance were manifested in me, I loved her and accepted her very, very much. I love my daughter and I am aware of what she is going through, I am with her and I am there for her.

I accept it, even if that moment is not a beautiful moment, it is not a warm and nice moment, but not so pleasant things happen in it.

I can interpret things for her, mediate between her and the world, because I passed her, I can tell her: "It's not terrible," "It will pass," "Here, this axis is at its peak, but here it is already descending." I explain the world to her. I stand there by the bed, beside her, giving her perspective, proportion. To be a limiting and limiting force.

I stood close to her and received blows from her. She kicked me. My hand was a little paralyzed afterwards, probably because she was holding it tight. I had real muscle cramps. But I was not angry with her. I was standing there. I stood well. I stood there for her, because she's going through something.

Alas, if I were to say, "Well, if you want to kick me, I'm going." Belief in the process - I can not assure her that everything will be fine. I do not know what will happen. But I have experience, I'm older, I believe in childbirth, I believe in the process that exists in childbirth, I believe something came out of it. I can not guarantee what. We did not know if it was a boy or a girl, we did not know if the baby was healthy or God forbid not, we did not know what she would go through until the end of the birth: surgery, stitches or anything else.

I can not guarantee anything. I do not know what will happen. I do not know what the results will be and I am not responsible for the results. I do my best. Everything is in the hands of heaven. I believe along with her. I radiate faith in the process.

Dina Horowitz

From "From This Rock"


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