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Even today I can take a virtual tour of that house ... she was a piano teacher, and I remember mysel

שירה (זלבסקי) צרי

Today at the meeting, someone said: "I was always jealous of friends who had ..."

I asked: What were you jealous of?

At that moment I was flooded with memories of the house I envied when I was a child.

At the Horowitz family home, the mother was always the calmest and most inclusive. She was a piano teacher, and I remember myself listening to her teaching casually with a soft American accent.

Even today I can take a virtual tour of that house, remembering the many dinners I ate at it.

The challahs that were prepared there before Shabbat long before it was fashionable to make challahs.

Amazing how our memory works through the senses.

Shira (Zalewski) narrow


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