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Neighbor Mefgi in the Sanhedria tells how a country was fascinated

חני ביר

We first met dear Dina when we lived in the nostalgic neighborhood of Fagi Sanhedria.

Eli and Dina lived on the ground floor with a small courtyard facing the passage between our buildings, so many times on my way back and forth from the house, I met the young, tall and noble woman with the big smile that illuminated her and all around her, and fascinated her, a beautiful and graceful princess, full of dreams and aspirations.

Dina, then, worked as a successful piano teacher. I shared it I would also like to teach piano and she immediately stepped in to help. Dina guided me through good books of instruction for a beginning piano teacher, and without hesitation, she passed me three of her students (!) And also let me teach little Batsheva so I could get into things right away.

I will never forget how happy and excited she was when she gave birth to her dear Shulamit. She wanted a most beautiful name that appears in the Holy Torah. When the name Shulamit came up, from Shlomo's song of songs, the light came on for her and she felt that it was the nice name for her beloved child.

I will not forget the devotion of her soul either, to bring more children into the world, with an abundance of faith.

After moving to different neighborhoods, we continued to meet from time to time, with the dear joys of David and Nehama, and it was always exciting to see her bright face anew.

The name went down to pick roses. May there be a desire for them to return to me and Dinah immediately, with the coming of our righteous Messiah!

Neighbor Hani Bir


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