During our time as a neighbor in Misheret Zion, in the absorption center, I had the privilege of giving birth to my fourth child, Eliyahu, who is Zvi's age. Dina helped me a lot after the birth. Rabbi Eli also "worked" on Avraham, and so with a joint effort I got on the wave.
Remembering the time of our laundry hanging in the absorption center in Mevaseret and the time of raising the children, Dina and I were thrilled together, from the times of Messiah happening right before our eyes, in the absorption of aliyah.
We experienced the young mothers together with all the philosophers around, and I always thought I could not have a more suitable neighbor country.
Every meeting we have since, on average once a year at some wedding, is like a continuation of its predecessor.
Dvora Recanati
מצגת עם משפחות מההעלייה מרוסיה