The jeep drove ... managed to get about five miles out of the ten I needed - - and then the engine s
In my youth I worked for a while in a field on a large tractor, and to get to it I had to travel a long way on a smaller tractor. Once, I...
The jeep drove ... managed to get about five miles out of the ten I needed - - and then the engine s
If Dad says, then we were in the Exodus, but I was so small then, that I no longer remember ..
It is well known and famous that everyone in Hebron and Kiryat Arba are fascists, haters of man, hat
What is the name praying now, as we pray for the rain?
where is Dad?
My aunt fought against bringing a TV to the kibbutz, she said it would break up the family
We were really upset, it's also insulting. The uncle himself would not have, if he had I would not h
All holiday we are talking about the temple and sacrifices, say this is serious?
Then my little daughter was hospitalized and the day she had to leave the hospital, my wife broke he