It was surprising to find that the investment in Pagi wasn't such a bad investment, after all.
Suddenly it became a whole and living world and I was captivated by the magic of the melody and the
I divide piano lessons into theory, technique, expression and repertoire
Dina was all singing, she was all a tune, one big tune that would never end.
Overcome weaknesses also for the sake of personal example
The piano concert that Dina stopped in the middle
Dina's excitement about the release of Natan Sharansky
Dina's cookies
We would enter the house quietly so as not to disturb the piano lesson and enjoy the frenzy
Lord of the world, do you have someone who realizes your great Torah in reality more than them? How
Neighbor Mefgi in the Sanhedria tells how a country was fascinated
Dina's delicacy is unforgettable
My surprise at the matter is full of Eli's sincerity in the children and at eye level
Even today I can take a virtual tour of that house ... she was a piano teacher, and I remember mysel
Shouts at the Horovitz family home
I would enter the house without knocking. A lot of people felt free to enter and were always in a g
She dances in the living room to the sounds of the melody and then describes the melody in picturesq
In the middle of the class Dina said "I can no longer with this music she plays Beethoven and she ma