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Apr 11, 20212 min read
Dad and Mom who were proud of us for how we are! Who believed in the psychic powers within us -truly
Our dear and beloved father and mother Father and mother who are we / we are. They are our personality. Without them what do we have here...
נהורה (צדוק) מאושר
Apr 8, 20211 min read
The chopper that teacher Dina handed out at the end of the twelfth
Teacher Dina, a teacher who left a mark on me. It is impossible to wrinkle in words the seal that remains in the heart. The patience, the...
בת שבע (הורביץ) סדן
Apr 8, 20213 min read
The children are already in the car, and you ask everyone how they are and how they were in kinderga
Tuesday, the day a mother teaches a class on educating teenage children. It was ten o'clock at noon. I like every Tuesday at this time in...
הרב דוד בן מאיר
Apr 8, 20212 min read
We laughed at the fact that he is really an actor, although not in front of an audience in the theat
When we studied together in Chevruta, Eli occasionally told me his resume. We had things in common, we both left the family in America at...
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יאיר קליין
Apr 8, 20212 min read
That spark in his eyes, showed us the students that what he does is what he loves and that is who he
Rabbi Eli is one of the most influential figures in my life. He took me for a few months under his care as a friend. It was amazing, I...
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