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Apr 22, 20212 min read
We are sitting here in Jerusalem, and they are really sitting there in Washington, but he is sitting
"Grating" sounds from the studio erupt into the calm and relaxed melody of the vacation ... but don't worry! - I do not send you free...
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דינה הורביץ
Apr 8, 20212 min read
I gave a scream at home that they thought at least a squad of terrorists had entered through the win
Towards the evening of the 'awakening' for the studio girls in the Cave of the Patriarchs, I was in distress. It was the month of Elul...
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Dina's words of reassurance to her students during the second intifada
At the beginning of the intifada, a period in which Jews were murdered frequently. We felt so helpless that we did not want to sit in...
רחלי עמר ניניו
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Elisha's miracle
I did not know personally, but have been going for many years with the amazing study of Rebbetzin Dina from Kings II, about the miracle...
ורדית זלינגר
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Overcome weaknesses also for the sake of personal example
I was one of those people who has a hard time getting up in the morning and always misses the first two or three hours. The soft and...
רויטל ירושלמי
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Teacher Dina was like a mother to me
Teacher Dina was like a mother to me, during the studio period. An angel who watched over me when I was in a boarding school away from my...
יסכה אייל
Apr 8, 20211 min read
The dream that was cut short of being Dina's student
As a young student in the studio I remember teacher Dina, always welcoming and saying hello with a smile. Always refers. I remember...
מעיין צדוק
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Teacher Dina was the only teacher I felt really saw me
The wonderful teacher Dina was my teacher, the educator in the 11th-12th grade. I did not so much find myself then in the studio. The...
מוריה מכלוף
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Feel the light of Teacher Dina
Do not know, or maybe I do not have enough words, to describe light and eyes. Teacher Dina all enlightened. You could feel her light in a...
אושרית חדד
Apr 8, 20211 min read
The inner voice that Teacher Dina left in me
Teacher Dina left a deep impression on me. She had a warm and caressing presence. Deep wisdom with simplicity. I had a feeling she...
רחל אבוקרט
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Rabbi Eli's deep dive, along with his acting skills ... something out of this world
I studied with both of them. Rabbi Eli taught us Torah. So. simply. But each lesson, we dived to a depth that I had no idea existed at...
תמרה שיינמן
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Dina's creative way of developing a conversation about adolescents' attitudes toward their bodies
I had the privilege of studying with Dina in the classes she taught at a seminary in the Old City of Jerusalem Dina taught about...
Apr 8, 20212 min read
Dina burst into tears. Eli and the children understood the thrills of her soul
One Saturday night, Dina returned from Oneg Shabbat with her students. "I can not be an educator," she announced in frustration. "What...
תמר רמתי - מלמד
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Can't go even one day without Eli
A great educator Dina who was ahead of her time was with a broad vision and not narrow-minded. She knew how to combine the world of Torah...
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שירה הנדלר
Apr 8, 20213 min read
Dina was terribly afraid of doctors and she was afraid of tests and she was not afraid to say that
Dina was my educator in a teaching program at the Quarter College. We had all kinds of teachers who were tough who thought that a woman...
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Apr 8, 20215 min read
The elegant Capitol .. Tanks in the streets .. The view, the view of Washington, her hometown, but t
"Oz and Hadar are dressed and will play for the last day" Rehabilitation remarks by Rebbetzin Dina Horowitz the 14th to the national...
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Do not look at the waves, but at the rock on which they are shattering
Once, in a time of crisis, when I felt everything was broken and collapsing, my husband took me to Rosh Hanikra. There, between the...
יעקב סופר
Apr 8, 20215 min read
Maayan, I'm in heaven ... and thinking of you. Loves Dina
A love song lit by a violin at both ends, so were Rabbi Eli and Dina the 14th connected as one body in a strong and loving bond. Together...
אושרית אייזקס
Apr 8, 20214 min read
My teacher Dina toils on the road and she is tall and noble and her gaze sees what is before and wha
Teacher Dina is my teacher and I am all her student. Our acquaintance is through the relationship of a student-teacher and it means that...
הרב רפי קופרשטוק
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Have you seen the house? How many we sang in it, how many pleasures of Shabbat we spent in it, how m
On the terrible Saturday night, one of the graduates, a student of Dina's, called me, she told me a sentence that I would leave my nose...
נדיה מטר
Apr 8, 20214 min read
Dina gently stroked the head of her student who refused to detach from her and whose sound of crying
We did not know Rabbi Eli and Dina personally, but Dina's mother, Bernice Wolf, we the 'Women in Green' know well, is one of our...
רות ולדמן
Apr 8, 20211 min read
Suddenly I hear a noise of girls, I looked and saw from up the street the whole class of Dina wanted
One picture is so typical of Dina. One day I was walking out of my house to the street and suddenly I hear the noise and bustle of girls,...
כרמלה בן יוסף
Apr 8, 20212 min read
In the middle of the class Dina said "I can no longer with this music she plays Beethoven and she ma
Dina taught Torah lessons to English speakers, I really enjoyed the way Dina revived the fathers, mothers and prophets. Dina gave them a...
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