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Teacher Dina was the only teacher I felt really saw me

מעיין צדוק

The wonderful teacher Dina was my teacher, the educator in the 11th-12th grade.

I did not so much find myself then in the studio. The frame did not suit me, and at every opportunity I made sure to disappear from the field.

Teacher Dina never expressed anger, always understood my heart and laughed that I was born in the wrong generation...

Teacher Dina was the only teacher I felt really saw me, who could be fully trusted. Who is not afraid to go with her truth no matter what.

And all with a sweet smile and a gentle voice and a soft hug.

Time and time again she saved me from flying home,

And in twelfth grade, she organized a regular day off for me from the studio "provided you do something good and meaningful with it." So I went to study painting for the first time.

Remember also their living room, with the beautiful huge painting of the Hula Valley,

The special stories, the plant that climbed all over the ceiling,

The love and simplicity and depth.


Mayaan Zadok


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