When he wanted to describe to us the connection between the people of Israel and the Land of Israel, use the following example:
At night. After we were married for a few days, I told her, "Maybe we should go for a walk at night?".
She replied to me, "Walk? At night? I hate to walk at night."
I asked, "But,
"Before the wedding, my wife and I used to travel back and forth from the" Rabbi Center "to the" College "and I really liked it. And I ask her:
"But, why didn't you tell me before we got married?"
"You did not ask," Dina replies
On the first Saturday we were alone and it was time for the 'Shabbat songs', the crisis also came from the other side.
As soon as I started singing the hymns my wife burst into tears. My wife is a musician, and she told me, "All my life I have dreamed of marrying a groom with whom I will sing Shabbat hymns, and you sing and sing like a husky frog."
It is this rift that paves the way for exposing greater depth, for revealing the true connection between man and woman. Over time it should become clear that all external causes, and external motives, are not the ones underlying the relationship between man and woman, the basis of the relationship is "this time a bone from myself."
So is the connection between the people of Israel and the Land of Israel, at first it is hung for external reasons, but as time passes and the external reasons fall, it becomes clear that the foundation of the connection is much deeper, there is an existential unity between the people of Israel and the Land of Israel. "After all, you are sacred to my homeland."

Shira Elmaleh, who did national service in Kiryat Arba, tells the following story:
I got to know Dina who told us, the girls of the national service in Kiryat Arba, how she met Rabbi Eli. How she loved to sing and how much he was a forger and how much it terrified her at first. How much she worried about this basic mismatch.
And about how they spent hours together and she thought and thought how she would overcome the gap and if it is at all possible and at some point she realized that it is a disadvantage for him that she chooses to actually overcome it because she will be able to sing beautifully for both.
This story made a lot of order in my head about my partner at that time, that there were gaps between us on the one hand and on the other hand I felt that I wanted to be his wife and that he would be my husband and that it would be similar to the relationship that Rabbi Eli and Dina have. And I wondered if it would be possible at all until I heard Dina with this story about Rabbi Eli the forger who helped me understand what the role of gaps in a relationship is and that in fact it is not really clear that they interfere with the relationship and that they may be the beautiful part of it. And I got married to my partner and we have been happily married for almost 17 years and I think about Rabbi Eli and Dina and this story very often.