Rabbi Eli, Elnatan.
Elnatan, in the book of Ezra, is the name of one of the "understanders" - the sages. How it suited our Rabbi Eli. But not only was Elantan wise, he was also sent by the scribe Ezra on a special mission. This also suited Rabbi Eli, because he too was chosen by God's providence to be one of the students who understood the words of our Rabbi - Rabbi Zvi Yehuda ztl.
What was the mission of the biblical Elnathan? To find suitable and capable people to renew the work in the house of God. Rabbi Eli's mission is similar. To find, educate and raise the right and capable people to continue the resurrection, the resurrection of the Holy People in the Holy Land, as a continuation of the revealed end.
God graced Rabbi Eli, in addition to his wisdom and understanding of his mission, with wonderful openness and friendships. No less than the privilege that the Lord who gave me was a rabbi, the Lord who gave me was my friend.
The Horowitz family home was a home of pure reverence for God and an educational, Torah and friends center for so many people
Arie Weiss
And Tzipora
