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Always it was hard for me I came to you trying to put a head on you

הרב מישאל רובין

Rabbi Hananel Etrog

R.M. at the Shavei Hebron Yeshiva

The Gemara says (Pesachim n. Aa) "'And it shall come to pass in that day, that there shall be no light and stagnation.' May be expensive and stagnant? Rabbi Elazar said: It is a light that lies in this world and is frozen in the next world. Rabbi Yochanan said: These are lesions and tents that will radiate both in this world and Kafoyin both in the next world. And Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi said: These are human beings, who will radiate both in this world and Kafoyin both in the next world. "Because Hadar, said Lia Abu: May the front?" What did you see? "Lia said: I saw an inverted world, upper and lower above, and I heard them say: Blessed Whoever comes here and learns in his hand.

And I heard them say: The slain of kingship no man can stand in their midst. "Man Ninhu? Ilima Rabbi Akiva and his friends because of the deaths of royalty and nothing more?"

Rabbi Eli, Rabbi Eli and Dina "Because they are merely martyrs?". Anna we're coming, oh what we had. Blessed are you that you come and learn in your hand, not only in your mind and heart, but also in your hand - that the Torah lives with you to the point of practical reality - up to you, blessed that the redeeming Torah of our Rabbi Rabbi Zvi Yehuda is in your hand. Haim. Blessed are you who in this world are hidden, precious and non-existent - you were frozen and floating. We are fortunate to have learned from you: to learn in classes, and more than that to learn from your life how what was lied in this world is visible in your life, how the love of Israel, how the love of the Torah, how the faith in the Torah actually exists in you.

When I would come to you Rabbi Eli - and always it was difficult for me I came to you trying to put a head on you - I had to come to you to see that the Kimaa Kimaa is not a weakness and not a waiver but a deep view of God reviving reality.

"'Under the copper I will bring gold and under the iron I will bring silver and under the trees I will bring copper and under the stones iron. Under Rabbi Akiva and his friends may I bring?" (Rosh Hashana 26a), what will we bring under you? How will we continue without you? How will this beit midrash continue and all the many beit midrash in which you both taught? Under you?

And I promise you my holy teachers and rabbis Rabbi Eli and Rebbetzin Dina, I promise you that we will not let you die. We, the hundreds and thousands of orphans you left behind, we will live with you and we will remember your Torah and the love of your Torah and the faith in your Torah and the love of your Israel and the love of the Land of Israel and your State of Israel, and we will continue to grow. In life also in life "(

The fast of the ab).

May your soul be bundled in the bundle of life.


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