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Even the security situation is calmer between attacks, perhaps it's a sense of calm before the storm

דינה הורביץ

A letter written by Dina to Irena and her house Vicky who immigrated from the Soviet Union to Kiryat Arba and the Horowitz family accompanied and assisted them

In their adaptation in Israel. Irena, a very talented pianist, decided a few years later to move to the United States and study and develop there.


Jerusalem Day

Hello Irena! Hello Vicky! Hello Jacob!

I have not written for so long - I know you must be angry and rightly so, really in the letters I am very weak because there is always something to do and for me to sit down to write such a personal letter, is considered by me a "luxury".

And maybe I'll check tests? And maybe I will study? And maybe I'll make a lesson? Or clean the kitchen. And the laundry is waiting and the house is waiting to be washed. Do the girls need help in class, or maybe I should call mom? And so time passes compressed and pushed and you know, Irena, how much to write:

About Batsheva's wedding (wonderful! Experience - I will send pictures). My mother was ill and twice hospitalized and underwent treatments - she is already feeling better.

Zvi, who enlisted in the IDF in a very elite unit (paratroopers), but did not do so well there and managed (as always, apparently) to escape from there and enter a less combat unit and closer to home.

For a consolation that develops and becomes a real girl - with her opinions, desires, her special vision, and she has lately been really, really advanced in the piano - suddenly it is important to her and she is quite talented.

Or maybe I'll tell you about the sweet Shulamit I need to keep reminding myself that she's not "small." Sweet and delicate.

Or maybe I'll write about myself - but here I'm really dumbfounded. What to tell? I've been through so much this year!

And now I will add another line to you: In the fall we will be, me and Eli, for grandparents !! Can you believe it?!?!

The thin seven-year-old is getting fatter and fatter. At first she felt really very very bad, but now she has gotten better and she is quite successful in combining university studies (physics and computers) along with wife and wife life.

And in the midst of all this, of course, he was sick all winter (throat, some lungs, some virus, etc.) and I also had the flu that got into pneumonia, but thank God, we overcame everything. We are really feeling fine now and functioning and working hard.

The campus has not changed either. Now is the flowering period and it is quite beautiful. Even the security situation is calmer (between attacks), maybe it's a feeling of calm before the storm, but I have no strength or desire to write about politics!

Everyone feels good as usual and gives a warm warm welcome and always asks me what I know about you and Vicky.

Today is Jerusalem Day and I am sitting in a cute cafe in the city center. In a quarter of an hour I must be in the square - there will be a studio conference, and there I will meet all the studio girls. After the ceremony, we will all march with our flag to the Western Wall and at night back to the Kirya. Terrible heat outside! And here is good air conditioning and coffee.

I see your dad quite a bit and Eli meets him every morning at the pool. He still keeps running early in the morning and swimming and seems quite happy with his new life with Xena. It was a nice and natural move and I hope it is good for both of them.

Yitzhak Amrani in particular was active in arranging the connection created in "kosher" with a rabbi and a canopy and your father was so pleased !!

He invited some friends over for dinner to celebrate the marriage - and really, it reminded me a bit of Batsheva and Yehuda in their excitement ... cute!

Your father showed me an article and a picture, from the press there, about your performances at the university. I am very curious to hear if and how you are progressing there in your studies and performances. Do you show up a lot? Do you teach? Do you already have connections? Are you tidy and satisfied?

And so important to me to hear about Vicky. We really, really miss her (and you too - but she was part of the family on Saturdays and holidays)! And every Saturday we ask ourselves where is Vicki now? what is she doing? Does she have good friends? Is she doing well in school? (We heard that very!)? Does she have games? Dolls?

Vicki - write us another letter! I promise to answer faster!

And maybe I should have written this letter in English? You must speak fluent English and maybe you forgot a little Hebrew?

Tell me everything.

I will send along with the letter pictures from the wedding and your documents, Irena.

I will close now because I have to look for the studio.


Happy Shavuot!

with love

Dina and Eli and everyone


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