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I'm Iyar, sometimes the sun caresses and sometimes the cold and darkness prevail. The days of Iyar..

דינה הורביץ

Dear graduates!

I was asked to write about it in the month of Iyar and I was very happy. I'm all Air - that's how I feel.

And I will explain:

I'm Iyar

The month of Eich is the "path" that connects infancy - our departure into the world as a people, and adulthood and engagement - the injection of meaning, destiny, expectation and hope for our existence - and all towards the actual realization in our home, as a people in his country, living his healthy and good and benevolent life.

The path is sometimes narrow and misleading, the field of vision is not always clear. Sometimes the starting point disappears and sometimes the target is hidden. Ascending and descending is the path - once the sun caresses and sometimes the cold and darkness prevail, the days of the month of Air are immersed in the days of comfort and also the days of redemption, so while the tear falls on the cheek and the throat suffocates, we find ourselves singing Baron and with great joy!

Isn't that a contradiction? How can one contain such an inner vortex of darkness and light, sorrow and thanksgiving?

It is possible and possible in a big way, because behind everything and under everything, the joy of life and a deep and sure knowledge is bubbling, which pushes and pulsates and marches our people forward. Deep, deep deep the people meet themselves, the meaning of being. And even if sometimes there are no words to explain - and vice versa, expressions of frustration and frustration are emitted - he connects with us with the breadth of his soul and the source of his life - the deep faith and infinite love, God willing.

It is this encounter that infuses us with patience and generosity, which elevate us far beyond the contemporary sight of the eyes.

And as in general, so in particular.

Who does not have the darkness and light used in a jumble in her private life? How many times do we have the feeling that we are "flooded", and we have long since forgotten why and for what? It can happen in the national service, in the daily sea of ​​activity, or in studies that are sometimes gray, and also, yes - even, in the endless constant care at home and in the vibrant family, not to mention the so sad private days of "comfort", or the days of joyful "redemption" , And the confusions and vortices involved in decisions about the sequel.

But after all and beneath all, the joy of life and deep and sure knowledge is bubbling, pushing, throbbing, promoting. Deep deep deep man feels himself, the meaning of his life. And even if sometimes there are no words to explain, man connects with the breadth of his own soul, with the source of his life - the deep faith and infinite love for others, his people, his country, his teachings, God willing.

It is this encounter that infuses us with long-suffering and generosity, which elevates us far beyond the contemporary sight of the eyes.

Always looking forward to hearing from you,

love and miss you,

Dina Horovitz


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