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Within an hour, more than 12 unplanned people were added to the meal ...

When I was in the 11th grade, I came to stay with my cousin Batsheva on Saturday, to celebrate her birthday and also to study for a matriculation in history ...

Except for Debbie's coffee ceremony after lighting candles (probably everyone remembers ...), on Saturday morning we set a table. We held for the small family and me cousin.

Within an hour, more than 12 unplanned people were added to the meal ...

A guy came with his mother, Eli returned from the synagogue with an entire family of about eight people, who just came to Hebron without planning where they were staying and of course Eli invited them home ...

I was shocked ... it was not that there was any more food ... but Debbie was so calm ... or at least so radiated outward😉

Their house was like a tent of our ancestor Abraham, you can enter from any opening you want ... and people just came in and joined the meal in the most natural way ...

Adina (Neiman) Unger

באותה שבת היה מבצע שלמה, ובמוצאי שבת אבא שלי אמר, בזמן שאתן לומדות היסטוריה, ההיסטוריה מתרחשת, במקום להתעמק בספרים צריך פשוט להסתכל על המציאות ולהבין שאנחנו חלק מההיסטוריה.

אני זוכרת שזה פתח בי משהו ביחס למציאות שתמיד נראית אפרורית ביחס לצבעוניות של קום המדינה והמלחמות...

בת שבע (הורביץ) סדן

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