Flight day - Tuesday, Tishrei 5732
Today has probably been the hardest and most wonderful day of my life. At the airport it really was something the tears could not stop and no wonder. Leave Dad and Mom completely. This thing will stay and be the happiest day of my life forever. I do not believe. Please, make it not difficult for them and make them happy these days and always - I accept everything - keep them healthy and happy.
I'm flying over the Atlantic. This minute !! Unbelievable, oh! I look out the window and it's beautiful. Millions of stars twinkle over the ocean and I travel to Israel. E - you really are the king !! You know it's ten days of repentance and I want to repent.
Just look at those stars, so much and so beautiful, just sit and stare out there. For one second I realized the finitude of it, and all the greatness of God. One star, one leaf, one rock, one flower, one mountain, one plane, one bird, one person. I am nothing without everyone, and you are a king and I do not ask for anything, just want to repent. Please give everyone atonement and forgiveness, help my people well. The sunrise, oh! God.
The lovely Debbie.
