Cards from the lives of Eli and Dina Horovitz
Individual and general in the class - or "What does it matter to someone ..."
Collection of letters, recordings, lessons and stories
I'm Iyar, sometimes the sun caresses and sometimes the cold and darkness prevail. The days of Iyar..
We are sitting here in Jerusalem, and they are really sitting there in Washington, but he is sitting
Parental insult from their children - in my experience it can take a whole day and even longer
I stood close to her and received blows from her. She kicked me.
The parent as the representative of the world, the mediator between the child and the world
It feels so blasphemous that they were murdered
Elisha's miracle
Dina's creative way of developing a conversation about adolescents' attitudes toward their bodies
The elegant Capitol .. Tanks in the streets .. The view, the view of Washington, her hometown, but t
My husband burst out laughing and said, "What are you talking about? There is only one way to appro
Do not look at the waves, but at the rock on which they are shattering
Maayan, I'm in heaven ... and thinking of you. Loves Dina
In the middle of the class Dina said "I can no longer with this music she plays Beethoven and she ma
Prescription of Happiness: Always correct yourself and look good in the other.
She wanted to see what she looked like in that dress. She was not interested in the rules of modesty