God in His grace has left these enemies so that we can learn what we need to know and that is to bring us the heroism.
When we went to comfort the mourners of Dror Weinberg's family, we actually know him quite well. Not since he was the commander of the Hebron Brigade, we know him from the time we lived in Kiryat Moshe and the Merkaz Harav and at [Maayan] Buenish's wedding I actually sat next to them. I was sitting next to Dror and his wife.
Anyway, we went to mourn comfort and a few minutes after we arrived, a big rabbi arrived and of course I was pushed aside. I could see, but I could not hear exactly. After we left, he told me what the rabbi had said. The rabbi said that some people have a mission in this world and some people have a mission in the next world ... these are things we do not understand ... Hadassah Weinberg told the rabbi that she wants to say one thing she has a problem with: Dror in his life, and Yitzhak Bunish and all the heroes, all these people In their lives, they were the embodiment of the sanctification of God. To meet such greatness of a person who is a paradise of spirituality .. Yitzchak Buenish I think of Shabbat Kala, Oprof, on Shabbat Chai Sara, it was not Vayra, Parshat Vayra. Our uproar was in Sarah's life .. Parashat Vayra and I still remember what he said as if simply. He was a great man with spirituality and faith, but it did not just stay there. In his act and that of Dror who was a genius. These people in their lives, they were the embodiment of the sanctification of God.
It is such a sanctification of God that such a person lives and people are aware of it. They see that he is great at it and great at it. He took the spirit and he lived his life not detached. Is not this the sanctification of God? Everything is for heaven's sake and it's such a blasphemy .. just the fact that they were murdered is a blasphemy, and in such a way that the Arabs are so happy. It's such a success. I'm sure they did not dream. For them .. and it's so annoying. It's so blasphemous that they died.
If you ask this question about blasphemy .. and I actually heard her question. I did not hear the answer. That sounds right to me. I said, "Yeah, really."
The rabbi's response made me shiver. The rabbi said that trying to understand why they died was impossible. These are heavenly accounts, he said that this generation, the point of this generation, that is, the last 60, 70, 100 years, the renewal of this generation, is that in our generation we have people and it must be all of us. Otherwise, we would not be alive now. There is the idea of devotion to the rule, because otherwise ... I have already been through it with .. "I have been through it already" with the son of Tzipora who was killed [Shmuel Weiss HiD ran as a paramedic to save his injured friend].
I could not sleep at nights, now still, I keep dreaming about it. How can this 18-year-old boy run into the fire? If they just wanted to save these people, not because they were macho or anything like that. They ran inside knowing they were taking a risk. Why did they not hesitate? How did they do it? It's so sad they died. There are a lot of people who did not die. Eliyahu Libman .. each of them has it in some way. Every soldier who goes to the army, what he says is a statement that he is willing to give your life for the rule. Because that's what it is. That's what this kid did
In exile it could not be. There was not that. There has always been a private life. Ability to die for yourself. For your beliefs. For your family, but not for the whole.
We in the territories feel the physical side of it, but in some cities of the people of Israel .. it's unfortunate, I'm sorry about that, everyone is busy with their own things and whatever. These enemies we have, are part of the fact that we will not get lost in privacy, this is what makes us a nation of devotion, as Rabbi Waldman said yesterday [at the 30th memorial service of Yitzchak Buenish]. After he spoke and Rebecca spoke I had to leave, I could not stay there anymore. I've had enough. We want our children to understand that. We no longer understand it. Our grandparents do not understand this. Even in this thing of heroism, there is a whole world of heroism that we are just beginning.
Alex Tzvitman, I was amazed. I went to comfort them. We always rode the bus together. I knew who Alex was, but I did not know he was on standby. He would come home on Saturday and they would turn on the TV. They have a Saturday and then they would watch TV. He could not sit and watch TV. He was always standing by the window alert, what's going on there? What's that light there? He was not religious. He did not have the halakhic clarification. It's in his nature. It's really amazing.

Eli photographed in the last moments of their lives in this world
To listen to things in a lesson she taught in English