Yesterday my husband asked me what I was going to lecture on in these series of sessions in "Whole Building". I told him, that I intend to focus on adolescence, and I do not know from what angle to approach this subject.
My husband burst out laughing and said, "What are you talking about? There is only one way to approach the subject of adolescence - prayer, just prayer and lots and lots of prayer." And the truth is that it's true.
After a few minutes of contemplation he said: "It reminds me of Cain and Abel. When Cain rose up against Abel to kill him ,: he made many wounds in him, which he would not know whence his soul came from: (Rashi in Genesis 4).
"Unlike a thousand thousand differences, adolescence is like this, too, parents and educators: shoot in all directions: and hope that one of them will be harmed: in the right place."
I wanted to introduce myself: I am a grandmother and a mother, my children are already past and past adolescence, my grandchildren are not yet. I have been an educator for many years, I was an educator at the ulpana in Kiryat Arba in the upper grades.
One of the very special things about the studio is that there is also a master class, girls who do not excel in academic achievements, on the contrary, are those who have already experienced frustrations in this field and in other fields anyway. A collection of wonderful girls with a lot of life wisdom. Engaged in post-secondary education, teacher training and bridal training.
From "This Rock Haman"
Rebbetzin Dina Horowitz
