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The way Dina explained her position was so non-preaching and so noble and so gentle, that it really

יוסי שרביט

Dina and I have been colleagues for many years, we accompanied each other in the studio, then we moved to the Quarter College, Efrat College and for the past year we worked together at the Shirat Hebron College when Dina finished the class I entered.

I got to know Rabbi Eli in a very long conversation of a few hours that lasted a few days of reserve that we did together in Beit El, it was one of my deepest experiences. Every time we met again, so very easily we would re-enter the depths of the conversation and things.

On one occasion we had a discussion about the trip to Poland, a controversial trip, Dina talked about how very, very difficult it is for her to go abroad. The way she explained her position was so preachy and so noble and so gentle, that it really made a huge impression. Love of her land, a trait that so characterizes her desires in relation to the Land of Israel.

It is said of Rabbi Eli and Dina, "Until the student loves what is being taught, he loves what is being taught."


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