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I would wait so long for a meeting with Dina and drink every word, every breath and look of hers thi

I was privileged to study in Rabbi Bleicher's program with both of them, Rabbi Eli and Dina, and it was a real pleasure.

I would wait so long for a meeting with Dina and drink every word every breath and her gaze with thirst.

That Saturday night we were in Beit Shemesh at my parents' house.

And I asked everyone if they heard this poetry ... and everyone asked me what, what are you talking about?

And again I asked, I heard a choir of children Moshe Malachi completely singing amazing melodies and I did not stop hearing it everyone did not understand what fell on me.

On Saturday night, when we heard the terrible news, I realized that I had heard the whole army of heaven and the angels of heaven and the righteous singing in their honor and accompanying them with great respect.

Ora Toby



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