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You're a Du Bishvat

אלי הורביץ

In honor of Dad, Mom and Uri

Hello and congratulations, how are you? Healthy, intact, enjoying? Do not skimp on letters. We are very eager to hear what is happening to you in great detail and very much miss you coming home already. Jerusalem is simply not the same without you. The children also miss and ask every day when you will return.

Zvi has a hard time digesting the fact that all his grandparents are in America (not that he has any idea what America is) and he is making plans for himself how everyone will come for Passover. He is very punctual and he repeats to himself, time and time again, how they would bring the luggage in the car to the airport, wait in line, get on the plane, and so on and so forth.

Batsheva, BH, OK, thriving and developing, very happy at school. We are glad we moved her class, not because the teacher is anything special (not at all), but she feels good in the company there, creates new friendships, and is generally good for her.

Once a week I give a class to her friends (first and second grade) at Chumash, then she stays in Kiryat Moshe all day and returns with me in the evening.

When I described Cherry's difficulties in leaving Harran, where all her friends were, etc., I asked, 'What do you think Abram did? Forced her to come with him? Did he leave her there? "Batsheva replied, as a matter of course:" He took her friends too. "

Zvi Simcha in the room (Talmud Torah Morasha). He's not exactly a Vilna genius and he's slow, in fact, in terms of learning to read and absorb the stories, but I've already seen a lot of children at the age of five or six suddenly make a turn and grow up, in that sense, in a short time. He really is a very clever boy, a wonderful memory, cute to the roof and kind-hearted.

A few days ago Dina gave a deer to a bear, he threw it angrily and said, "He's not good, he's a tribe." Dina did not understand, until a few minutes later she heard Zvi shouting at the bear: "You are a Du Bishvat" Apparently he did not grasp the full significance of Rosh Hashanah for the trees.

Nehama eats and sleeps and grows and laughs a lot. Lately she has not been in the health line - not something serious. Ear infections, eyes, etc., but she is cute and considerate even when she does not feel 100%. She tries to crawl, but usually she progresses backwards. By the time you get back she's probably going to start walking.

What exactly are you doing, Dad? Where will you go and what will you do there? Do you enjoy the work? Can you also learn a little?

And what about you, Mom? What is it like to be with Ruthie (Dicker, her sister from New York)?





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