Individual and general in the class - or "What does it matter to someone ..."
In one of our meetings with Dor Shalem, a reporter from Yediot Ahronoth asked me why I come?
Collection of letters, recordings, lessons and stories
Debbie Wolf's (18) reflections on nine coming
Rebbetzin Dina Horowitz in a lesson of Heroism
Debbie Wolf (Dina Horowitz) recounts experiences from Hanukkah 1972
Two freezing experiences - Dina describes to her parents in a recording from the second year of coll
Dina in a recording for her parents in 1975 - describes the transition from the Golan to Mevaseret
It was surprising to find that the investment in Pagi wasn't such a bad investment, after all.
Eli and I decided we wanted to learn about Jewish history
Dina tells her parents about the family members during the time they lived in Pagi - 1981
Dina Horovitz recounts points from her first year of marriage
When we decided we were going to get married, the first ones we knew when we decided to make it offi
Look who is this Eli, this big Mr. X.
Tisha B'Av
Zipporah, how dare you?
Debbie was for me the nurse I never had. There was nothing that we did not share with each other, we
I was so stormy one Saturday and walked up from the house in Hebron, without prior notice to share
Debbie's childhood: All the time on the phone. Talking to friends, laughing, asking questions and pl
She was the person with the most open mind I have ever met, I think, and also the person I felt most
Borax, a cake for Shabbat ... and she does not speak. She really did not speak. She hugged m
We are buried today